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What Makes a Good Maine Lobster Roll

Lobster rolls rule the dining scene during the summertime in Maine. From fine dining to on-the-side-of-road food trucks, there is no shortage of options when it comes to tasting a Maine lobster roll. So how can you tell if you have found the real deal? Below, we dissect what makes a good Maine lobster roll, so you know you are experiencing the real thing!

Freshness factor

It goes without being said that the freshness factor should be the most important thing to consider when eating any sort of seafood, but especially lobster. When choosing your Main lobster roll, look for big, chunky pieces. Avoid shredded lobster meat as this is usually the first sign of poor quality. The best lobster meat tends to be the tail, knuckle, and claw.

Also understanding where the lobster meat comes from is also important. The quality of the meat depends on where the lobsters were trapped. The deeper and cooler the water, the better the lobster.

Simple sandwich

The Maine lobster roll is a simple sandwich and should be kept that way. The trick is to avoid places that “overdo” their lobster rolls. If you are tasting anything but the lobster, it isn’t the best sandwich. Avoid lobster rolls that taste too much like mayonnaise or celery and are filled with “extras” like lettuce, that take away from the star of the sandwich, the lobster.

Easy on the mayo

Less is more when it comes to mayo on your Maine lobster roll. While some tend to keep it as a condiment, there are places that use it as an ingredient for their sandwich. A lightly tossed lobster meat in mayo can be good, but make sure the flavor of the mayonnaise does not take away from the taste of the meat.

Quality roll

Again here, it’s best to look for fresh bread. Depending on your taste, a Maine lobster roll is best served with a grilled roll, offering a crisper texture and warm bread. It’s best when a place makes their own rolls as this almost always guarantees freshness.

Must have butter

Depending on your taste, the roll or bun should be buttered on both sides. A lightly buttered bun or roll gives the sandwich a creamy buttery taste without taking away from the lobster itself.

Location, location, location

While you can find a good lobster in many different restaurant settings, a Maine lobster roll really is best enjoyed outside at a seaside shack with waterfront views. Often you can watch as local fishermen bring in the trapped lobsters, directly from the ocean. It adds to the whole experience and makes enjoying a Maine lobster roll that much better!

Read here for tips on where you can find the best Maine lobster.

Bed and Breakfast in Newcastle, Maine

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Dining at Newcastle Inn

At Newcastle Inn, we know a thing or two about Maine cuisine and love to share our knowledge about local eats and how to enjoy, like the Maine lobster roll. Here at the Inn, we offer our own Maine-inspired breakfast made fresh every morning for our guests. We also love to share some of our favorite recipes that we make here at the Inn.

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Breakfast at Newcastle Inn

For more recipes from the Inn, be sure to download our FREE recipe book and bring the taste of Maine home with you.

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